It is even considered by many gamblers and the casino games community a pure game of luck, the Keno game can offer a great variety of strategies, which will increase player’s chances of winning. Either you choose to determine game’s patterns and use the “hot” and “cold” numbers or play with overlapping numbers in the 4 and 20 card versions, you have to know there are big chances to win the game. Do not expect to win the jackpot from the beginning or “hit” 20 numbers out of 20 (as this is not possible), but, using the correct strategy, you will be able to win in a constant way.
Here it is one of the greatest strategies for keno game: playing with groups of numbers. Choose the number of spots you want to play (for example, choose 6 spots). The series you will obtain is 1-2-3-11-12-13 or 1-11-21-31-41-51. Check what numbers came out previously when the scheme was drafted. The idea is that these play daily and numbers are rotating. Coincidentally or not, one can observe a rotation number, which is to your advantage because you wait until our turn and win. The maximum of drawing numbers is 20, but actually, no one hit 10 out of 20 numbers ever (and is not possible). Even to guess 15 numbers is really hard, as much as for guessing 14 numbers the odds are 1:390 million. The general idea is that you should take keno as a game based on luck; being an RNG game is hardly saying with exact precision, which are the good numbers. Basically, many players are looking for “hot” and “cold” numbers, others are looking for “lucky numbers”. The biggest keno jackpots were won with numbers related to the family (like age, date of birth).
Playing keno online will easier your strategies, as you can use software programs to help you in your quest for the big win. Always choose a table with earnings as your ultimate goal is to win the jackpot. You can do this winning 10 of the 10 numbers or correct 15 of 15 numbers, you must wager the maximum number of numbers. On the other hand, if you want to be cautious, do not bet on all the numbers. Remember that 5 numbers are enough to win. It is much easier just happened five correct numbers than eight. The chances of winning for each number is 1:80, so keep in mind not to propose to ”hit” the biggest win, but to win small or medium amounts frequently.
As in other casino game, especially if you’re a beginner, is better to start making an evaluation of the game. Watch carefully several game sessions, play online free keno games before starting to play with real money, find the proper strategy (groups of numbers, combinations of numbers in 4/20 card keno or determine which are the “hot”/”cold” numbers). Keep playing for 4-5 times in a row the same numbers and see which is the probability rate of hitting the same or part of those numbers you played. Or you can opt for a quick succession of numbers (as 4, 5, 6, 7 or 23, 24, 25, 26); you can choose for a succession of three numbers; it’s up to you.
Hitting 10 numbers at Keno has a bigger rate of probability than hitting 15 numbers (which has a rate of 4.68%). These are the 5 hot numbers (often drawn): 23, 34, 72, 1 and 4. Most frequent state, draw numbers to the numbers that have come out quite often in the last 50 draw are 3, 16, 44, 58 and 78. Playing any of these numbers will offer the gambler a higher chance than others, as they have proven their efficiency over time. Some players use “lucky numbers” to play with, but all are related to their cultural background and traditions (as is the Chinese lucky numbers).
It proved mathematically that if you choose to enter 4 to 6 numbers, you have the best chance of becoming the winner. Many people want to get rich quickly and often play very expensive Keno tickets, and even if you hit you get a jackpot, you have more chances to lose, because you will not have as much time to play. Each terrestrial and online casino offer some “quick pick numbers” to play with. Choosing this option will increase (theoretically) the chances of winning at Keno game.
You must understand that Keno is a game based mostly on luck, so your chances of winning are slightly affected by this fact. There are 80 numbers on the table, meaning the probability of winning is 1:80. Hitting 20 numbers out of 20 has the lowest probability (1: 3.5 quintillions) and a person will need more than 130 million years to hit this option. Just take into consideration these facts before playing Keno; better play for fun and for sure gains (even they’re not big). Look for constant winnings and gains, but mostly for enjoying this game.